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Liquid Dancing

One of the most expressive and flexible dance forms present in the world today, liquid dancing is an illusion-based form of gestural, interpretive dance. In other words, it is a dance form that involves smooth gestures and body movements, giving an illusion that the dancer’s body is as movable as something that is liquid, thus the name of the dance. Basically, the arms and hands are in focus, though advanced dancers move the full body. Learning the liquid dance is not easy and requires immense amount of practice and learning. It takes time to learn how to move your body in a way that it gives an illusion of a flowing or moving liquid. 

By the late 80’s and early 90’s, liquid dancing had evolved into a very popular form of dancing and self-expression. With time, the performer of liquid dancing also started making use of props. The most common one comprises of a glow-stick. These glow-sticks are usually in very bright colors and add a surreal feel to the whole dancing technique. Sometimes, juggling and miming is also combined with liquid dancing, to make it absolutely different and more complex. However, mostly, liquid dancers follow the fundamentals very carefully, so as not to merge this dance with any other similar dance form.


Hand Flow: It involves moving the hands in a way that fluid illusion is maintained between the two, in keeping the rhythm.

Rails: It can be described as movement of the dancer's arms along a pre-set path or "rail".

Waves: In this technique, the dancer has to create the illusion that a wave is passing through his/her body, by alternation between tensing and relaxing of one part of the body.

Traces: Here, the hand of the dancer traces the path of the wave that is seemingly going through his/her body.

Threads: This involves creating an illusion that the body parts are being pulled through holes created by the placement of the dancer's arms.

Contours: In this, the hands of the dancer trace the outline of a real or imaginary object, mostly his/ her own body.

Splits: This technique has the hands of the dancer maintaining an illusion of fluid relationship, while moving independently of each other.

Builds: Here, the dancer manipulates imaginary objects, in a way almost similar to pantomiming

Godman - Modern day business Tycoons....

There has been so many incidents even earlier about so many so called "godman" being penalised for various charges including cheating, fraudulency, womenising etc etc .. And all this has been publicised by the media as well, so that people can wee be aware of such people on earth. One side, there is media and investigation journalist who brng such people to limelite and on the otherside, still number of godmans keep increasing and they keep getting thousands and thousands of followers, disciples, sponsors etc. Why are educated people also are not using their brains ? Why are people following them ?? is it because they are thinking that these godmen will provide solutions to their problems . Come one, give me a break ... who else can understand your problem than you ??? how can you rely on some third person to provide solution to your problems. ... !!!! Its high time, that we should think... If someone come and say that "pls come, pls follow me, i will solve ur problem" , then we need to give a proper answer to him "shut your mouth and mind ur business".... Atleast the next generation should come out of all this blind beliefs. No one will sacrifice his self for others just like that in this yuga.. if someone says like that, pls think, why he is doing this for me ? for what benefit ? no one will do anything for others without any benefit for self... guys, we cannot expect more MAHATMAs in ths world.

My India

I am proud to say that India is my country - are the words often we uttered and heard when we were in our childhood days. One of my own classmate, who was with me in school, finished higher studies and college in India and left to US for work. And now, when he comes to India, chennai which is his home town,for his holiday, he says - oh my god, how do u ppl survive in a place which is so much polluted, such bad roads, so much over crowded public transport, such low quality products - etc etc ... and he used to tell me, he wants to return back as soon as possible .... i really wonder how can one be so much fascinated on other country that they will come to an extent of neglecting or looking down their own home land.Its like ill-treating or talking low on our own mother by comparing her with some model in US or Australia or some foreign country. Guys, its our mother India , so lets not insult her by cribbing anything on her comparing her to some foreign land. A nation does not grow by its own. It grows if people grow, so if our nation is still not developed, the reason is obviously "its people". We have to feel ashamed for doing nothing to our nation. Next time, before u crib - just think for a while - " if something is wrong at ur home, wat will u do ? will u go and sit in ur neighbours place ? or fix the problem at ur home ? " . If everyone starts thinking like this, I am sure we will attain better position sooner.

Right to Vote ???

Whenever election comes in India, we see that very poor percentage of people come forward to caste their votes. Often govt, and other big heads criticise people and points out the educated ppl especially. Problem here is we are asked to choose a best option - and the choices in front of us are all worst . In this case, what do u expect the people to do ? First and foremost thng that comes to my mind is, how to judge people ? i would like to cast my vote to some one who is sensible enough in understanding the nation's problems in a fair manner and take sensible decisions. So, according to me, if we need to develop our country, take our country forward competing with other nations in the world, we should have able and wise people in the administration. In order to be wise, rational thinker, education is a must. But the irony in our country is anyone can become a successful politician provided he knows how to cheat/beat people with money. Instead of education, Money has become the minimum requirement to become a politician in our country. I bet, when this situation changes, only then, our country will take steps forward. I am not saying all ministers are like that. There are quite a few able people. The problem here is "quite a few". When this number increases, the speed with which our country is marching towards development will also increase.

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