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Health & Fitness

Here we go with the most "interesting" "sort after" topic for everyone be it male or female. Will there be anyone who doent like to be fit ? If someone say "Yes", come on, i bet they are just lying.

Being healthy and fit, not only helps to maintain your physique, but also boosts your self confidence. But the irony here is, people go behind lots of artificial methods to retain their health conditions without realising the fact that, all that has been given by god, which is available in nature, gives lots and lots of nutrients and energy to man-kind.

So, here i take some effort in listing down the benefits available to us from naturally available fruits and vegetables. This is just a small step towards helping people, with little facts that i have read and heard.

Water Therapy

Water plays a vital role in every living being's life. Its an easily available natural resource. Let me tell you about "Water Therapy". Knowingly or unknowingly lots of people are already following this. This is nothing very difficult to follow. And it does miracles in preventing and curing lots if health hazards.

What is water therapy and how one can follow this ?

Every morning as soon as u get up from bed before brushing your teeth, drink 1.5litres of water (roughly 5 to 6 glasses). Initially u might find little bit difficulty in drinking 6 glasses of water first thing in the morning. In that case, first drink 3 glasses of water , after 2 mins, you can drink another 3 glasses of water. And slowly you will get used to it. After this intake of water, do no take anything for next 45 mins.

Wats the benefits ?

This thearpy works effectively in losing weight by increasing your body metabolism rate.
Cleanses your body.
Helps to get a healthy and glowing skin.


Yummy Mango ! :)

You can find, in my blog, about the easily available natural power packed product - Fruits and vegetables and their benefits.

So, to start with am taking, my favourite fruit, also called as king of fruits - yes, it is none other than our own sweet little "MANGO".

 We all know Mango is yummy, delicious and seasonal fruit. Noone misses to eat Mangoes or take Mango juice in its season. But do you apart from these reasons, there are lot more medicinal reasons behind this sweet little guy ...

1. Mango is rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Vitamin A is very essential for eye-sight. Mangoes are highly beneficial in treating night-blindness which is caused by Vit A defeciency.

2. The most worrying health issue in todays lifestyle is "early diabetes". Tender leaves of Mango tree is highly beneficial in case of preventinf early diabetes. Infusion has to be prepared by soaking the leaves in water overnight and drink it next moring after filtering. As an alternate approach, dried leaves can be powdered and can be had half-teaspoon of it twice daily.

3.Mangoes play a vital role in toning heart mucles and curing skin problems as well

4. Since Mangoes are rich in iron, pregnant women are advised to eat this.

5. Mangoes help in preventing infections like cold and sinussitis. These infection are caused due to poor epithelium, tissue that covers external surface of the body. Mangoes help in getting stron epithelium tissue and thereby prevents infections.

Mango Recipes :

Ofcourse the best form u can have mango is in its Raw form - nothing can compromise a bowl full of delicious mangoes cut into pieces.

There are some muoth-watering desserts that can be prepared out of Mango. Here you go with one such recipe to prepare a Mango Dessert ... (mmm yummy .... is it ;) ? )

1. Take 3 to 4 ripe sweet mangoes,remove the pulp from the mangoes and blend well
2. Tranfer the content to a bowl.
3. Add fresh cream, sugar according to taste and cardomom powder.
4. Cut almonds into fine pieces and add.
5. Pour the mixture into several cups and refrigerate it.
6. Serve chilled ...

Here u go with a delicious Mango desert ...

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