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What is needed to maintain a healthy relationship ?

For quite some time, something has been nagging my mind, when i think about managing relationships. I could see some relationships, deteriorate with time. Initailly its all well, but as time goes on, misunderstanding creeps in, ego creeps in which slowly decreases the quality of the relationship. The major problem i feel is that, we all expect others to be good to us, but we never bothered about "are we good to them in the same way we expect them ?? " most of the cases, its a "no" . We expect them to call us regularly, to care for us regularly, to appreciate us often, to give respect to us etc .. etc.. The list goes on.. Am not saying that these expectations are bad, as long as we do the same to them... So frnds, lets give and then expect them to show that to us back... once we try to be good to others, u will get that from them, in no time. Lets give a try ... and try to maintain a healthy relationships within family as well as in the society.

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