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Med Awareness

Yes, lets get little bit serious about life. This modern world not only comes with lots of luxury and comfort but also with lots of threatening health risks . So, being a responsible human being, we have to create an awareness in this area so that we can be proactive and protect ourselves from these health hazards rather than being reactive in curing after we get into any problem. The mantra here is "Prevention is better than cure " .... 

So, I thought of this idea of getting aware of some of the common risks that common man are prone to, and would be glad to share that as well ...

Since Summer is in peak now, lets see what are the common risks that can affect people and how do we prevent that ...

 Dehydration and Sun Stroke

1. What is dehydration ?
 Dehydration is a condition when the human body loses more water and salt than the intake. when a human body loses too much water, it becomes out of balance, dry and dehydrated. Severe dehydration can cause deaths.

2. What are the causes of dehydartion ?
Over exopsure to heat/sun, fever, over excercised, vommitting and diarrhea, diabetes being the common causes for dehydration

3. What are the syumptoms of dehydration ?
Feeling too thirsty, dry mouth, weakness, dizziness, even fainting in some cases

4. How to treat dehydration at home ?
Make the person to take fluids - ask him to drink water
Try to cool the person if he/she has elevated body temperatures by making him to sit in a air conditioned room, or near the fan.
Remove excess clothing and loosen other clothing

5. When to seek medical attention ?
In case of increased vomitting r diarhhea for more than a day, fever over 101'F, increased weakness,
headaches, fainting, difficulty in breathing or chest pains.

6. What are the preventive measures ?
Maintain ood intake of water especially when outdoors in hot temperatures. Wear light coloured and loose fitting clothing when you are going to be out in hot temperatures

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